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How to Hold a Pickleball Paddle: A Guide for Beginners

old hands with pickleball paddle and ball

Getting started with pickleball can sometimes feel intimidating. If you don’t know how to hold the pickleball paddle correctly, controlling your swing and hitting the ball with enough force might feel difficult. It’s easy to wonder how to hold a pickleball paddle properly.

Learning the proper technique to hold your paddle correctly is simple. It has benefits, too -- you’ll have a much better start at the game and won’t have to worry about correcting any bad habits later on. Here’s what you need to know about holding a pickleball paddle correctly.

Why Holding Your Paddle Correctly is Important

Holding your pickleball paddle properly is essential. A modified eastern or backhand grip will give you improved control over your swing and allow you to launch the ball more accurately.

Good pickleball grip techniques during pickleball can also help you make more powerful shots, which can help you challenge the opposing player and develop competitive skills. Best of all, holding your paddle correctly will also help prevent injuries.

Different Ways to Hold a Pickleball Paddle

aged couple playing pickleball

There are a few ways to hold a pickleball paddle that you can choose from. The eastern forehand, western, and continental grip are commonly used in games like pickleball and tennis. The backhand grip and modified eastern grip are also quite popular.

Eastern Forehand Grip

The eastern forehand grip is a popular grip. You can use this pickleball grip technique by holding the paddle with the knuckle of your index finger against the top third bevel on the pickleball paddle grip. Your palm should be aligned with the flat surface of the paddle.

The main advantage of using the eastern forehand grip is that it gives you a lot of control over your shots. It is particularly good when used for forehand shots and makes a great pick for versatile players, allowing you to switch to backhand shots easily.

Continental Grip

The continental grip is another extremely popular grip technique in pickleball. You can use this pickleball grip technique by holding the paddle with the knuckle of your pointer finger resting against the very top bevel of the grip.

The main advantage of using the continental grip is that it is very effective for serving and overhead shots. You should incorporate the continental grip for these specific types of shots or consider using it as your primary pickleball paddle grip technique to reduce strain on your arm.

Western Grip

The western pickleball grip is a unique grip technique in pickleball that some advanced players use for advanced techniques. You can use this grip technique by holding the paddle in the eastern forehand grip and then rotating your hand so that your palm is perpendicular to the flat surface of the paddle.

The main advantage of using the western pickleball grip is that it provides an incredible level of topspin. While it isn’t suitable for every application, it makes a great pick to make a powerful overhead shot or send the pickleball spinning and bouncing through the air.

Backhand Grip

The backhand grip is a technique often used strategically in pickleball. You can use the backhand grip technique by holding the paddle in the eastern forehand grip and then rotating your wrist until the paddle face is inverted.

The main advantage of using the backhand grip is that it is the best grip for backhand shots. You should practice switching from the eastern forehand grip to the backhand grip and incorporate it for hitting backhand shots.

Modified Eastern Grip

The modified eastern grip is a useful technique that mixes many advantages of the eastern forehand and western grip. You can use it by holding the paddle in the eastern forehand grip and rotating your wrist so it is angled toward the ground.

The advantage of using the modified eastern grip is that it provides much of the same control as the eastern forehand grip while incorporating a lot of spin. If you want to hit shots with maximum spin without fully committing to the western style, this is the best grip to use.

Tips for Holding a Pickleball Paddle Correctly

You should keep a few things in mind while holding your pickleball paddle. Firstly, you should make sure to hold the paddle loosely. This will improve your control over the ball and help to prevent strains and injuries.

You should also incorporate your arm -- not just your wrist -- into each swing. You can even use both hands while serving to get maximum control and power.

Finally, make sure to practice switching between the various pickleball grips. While having a favorite style that works best for you is okay, learning various grip techniques through pickleball drills will allow you to switch situationally depending on what will be most effective.


Using the proper grip techniques during paddleball is important. It can make your experience with the game much more pleasant and improve your competitive performance. Learning these techniques will help you become the best pickleball player you can be. Now that you know the basics, check out our ultimate pickleball paddle buying guide to purchase your first paddle.

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